Linux 32-bit, static linking and going open source!

Recently, it had been bought to my attention that I only provide a 64-bit version of Steganosaurus. There is now a 32-bit build available for Linux operating systems. In producing the new 32-bit build, I realised that the 64-bit versions were not compiled with static linking. Therefore, if you do not have the dependencies installed, the application will fail to run.

Over the next week or so, I intend to release a 32-bit build for Windows (and maybe Mac) and release new 64-bits build to fix the static linking issue. I also want to provide the functionality on the website for users to report bugs and issues with the application.

Over the next few months, I will be re-writing Steganosaurus from the ground up with the intention of releasing the re-written version as an open-source project.